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Air transport company market nearly 10 years developing rapidly

by:CNS     2020-07-16
Air transport market in recent 10 years developing rapidly air transport companies market nearly 10 years developing rapidly, but carrier carrier capacity investment structure change. 2017 - In 2018, in the air transport company transport market, no matter look from the flight number and seat inputs, are all air transport carrier has a relatively high share. Air transport companies from the aspects of line number, carrier routes from 20 in 2017, growth for the current article 60. From carrier network coverage, and the thickness of air transportation company to the network is improved greatly. Along with our country's civil aviation transportation industry in the carrier transport market growth, from China directly to destination carrier of passengers from 2017 in 467. 60000 to 2018 in 643. 20000, is the main part of the air transport companies. Air transport company 丨 ( /系统)
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