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Classification of the nature of the subject matter of a storage contract

by:CNS     2021-07-18
Classification of the nature of the subject matter of a warehousing contract 2021-06-20 19:26:121. Industrial warehousing contract An industrial warehousing contract refers to a legal person or other organization engaged in industrial production that stores and keeps raw materials, machines, tools, and fuels in the process of organizing industrial production. The contract concluded while waiting. 2. Agricultural warehousing contract An agricultural warehousing contract refers to a contract in which the custodian provides agricultural products storage services to citizens, legal persons and other organizations in the agricultural field. The parties in the agricultural storage contract, especially the custodian, are not only bound by the 'Contract Law' and relevant implementation rules, but also should abide by the relevant storage business management measures, such as the 'National Grain and Oil Warehouse Management Measures (Revision)'. 3. Commercial warehousing contract Commercial warehousing contract refers to the contract between the custodian and the stockholder engaged in commercial activities to keep the commercial circulation for the stockholder. The nature of warehousing goods has diversity and particularity, and warehousing contracts can also be divided into other categories, such as chemical dangerous goods, special materials warehousing contracts and so on.
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