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Forwarder bill of lading in English

by:CNS     2020-12-10
Single shipment shipping order bill of lading delivery order shipping advice shipping advice parcel receipt parcel receipt must shipping order shipping permit charter of charter party charterer charterer cheng charter | | voyage charter voyage charter period time chartering charter allowed laytime (1) lay days (2) laying days working days working days consecutive days (1) running days (2) consecutive days demurrage demurrage demurrage days demurrage days dispatch despatch money dead freight dead freight shut out (1) short shipment (2) the goods short shipped (3) goods shut out (4) shut -Outs indemnity bond (Trust receipt) (1) letter of indemnity (2) the trust receipt load loading unloading (1) unloading (2) discharging (3) shipment landing weight (1) shipping weight (2) - in Weight landed weight landing weight ballast ballasting manifest a boating registration certificate of the ballast goods in ballast manifest the ship 's certificate ofregistry log ship' s log crew list muster - roll(The crew, the passengers) Health certificate of health clean clean bill not clean bill of lading bill in doubt the bill of lading suspected foul a bill holder ( Luck) Single S/O Shipping Order B/L Copy of the Bill of Lading Bill of Lading Bill of Lading B/L Copy Marine Bill of Lading with Ocean Bill ofLading nvocc House Bill of Lading Bill of Lading all the Bill of Lading HBL TBL Through Bill of Lading BL beforehand the Advanced BL Advanced Billof Lading anti-dated B/L, Dated Bill of Lading Blank Bill of Lading Blank BL Blank Bill ofLading order b/l & lsquo; B/L and single ( The bill of lading) Combined Bill down ( The bill of lading) Separate Bill for shipping B/L Received for Shipment B/L, transshipment B/L, combined transport Bill of lading Bill of lading Transhipment Through B/L is sent by ) Cargo bar (G) Consignee) Box arrivals from the Arrival of the Notice Notice Manifest M/F is reported to the bulk Batch SEC not Manifest data Manifest Manifest Discrepancy received Receipt Acknowledgement of ManifestReceipt Packing List Packing List Cargo transport Cargo Receipt Receipt gate-in terminal D/R the Dock Receipt delivery order ( Little bill of lading) D/O Delivery Order owner's export declaration Shipper’ SExport Declaration shipment notification ( Like a manifest NVOCC) Information of Shipping Advice Manifest the Manifest information Manifest change single ( Notification) FCN Freight Surrender O B/Lcopies CorrectionNotice return the copy of B/l for consignment goods receipt form Release Note receiptsigned by customeracknowledging delivery of goods
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