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Is the second largest airport in dubai's airport

by:CNS     2020-07-09
's airport is the second largest airport in dubai the small message on May 17, reproduced, Reuters reported in Shanghai air company manager said, dubai's international airport expansion will be postponed to 2018 a year. Now's airport is the second largest airport in dubai, came into use in 2013, now the intake capacity of 7 million passengers per year, after the completion of the expansion, will be able to accommodate 26 million m passengers a year, is expected to reach 1 to 2025 passenger accommodation. 46. 3 billion/year. , a spokesman for dubai's airport expansion delay is due to the construction project completion time delay, at the same time they also hope to have more time to detect. The dubai government said it had for's airport expansion to ensure the long-term investment of $3 billion. Shanghai air freight company is located in the suburbs of the emirate. Dubai airport authority chief executive Paul Griffiths, dubai cheap air flydubai will be moved to the third quarter of this year's airport, emirates plans in 2025 moved to's airport. Shanghai air freight company spokesman also said that the plan will's airport passenger accommodation to 2. 400 million passengers per year, but when can achieve this goal is uncertain. , a spokesman for dubai is expected this year two accomodation total more than 90 million passengers at the airport. Shanghai air freight company | Shanghai airlines cargo international air | | Shanghai air freight company | | air express ( )
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