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Method of warehouse partition classification

by:CNS     2021-07-16
The method of warehouse partition classification 2021-06-20 18:56:22 Before planning the partition classification, it is necessary to investigate the situation of the goods stored in the warehouse in the warehouse business department. Know the types and quantities of the warehouse and the batches of in and out of the warehouse; the performance of the goods, the packaging conditions and the required storage conditions, and fire protection requirements; the size of the equipment and the workload of the equipment required for receiving and dispatching, loading and unloading, and handling of the goods; warehousing Goods receiving and dispatching method, general flow direction and turnover period; whether there are special storage, acceptance and tally requirements, etc. Through the investigation and analysis of warehouse business activities, we can distinguish the required warehouse capacity of various commodities that are consistent in performance, maintenance and fire protection methods, consider the requirements for storage and throughput conditions, and combine the specific conditions of the warehouse to determine the appropriate zoning classification in accordance with. Due to the different types, scales, business scopes, and uses of warehouses, the nature of various warehoused goods (maintenance methods are also very different, so there are also many methods of zoned and classified storage, which need to be coordinated and scientifically planned. Generally, the following can be used There are several methods for partition classification: 1. According to the type and nature of the goods, this is a method commonly used in current warehouses. It is based on the natural attributes of the goods, and it is afraid of heat, tide, cold, light, and light. Goods of different nature, such as wind, are classified separately and stored in appropriate places. 2. Classified by different cargo owners, this is usually the method used by comprehensive warehouses. When the warehouse serves several large cargo owners, it is convenient to connect with the cargo owners. This method is often used to prevent the confusion of the goods of different cargo owners and facilitate the storage of goods. In the specific storage, it should also be divided into several cargo areas according to the type and performance of the goods to ensure the safety of the storage of the goods. 3. Classification according to the flow direction of the goods. This method is mostly suitable for transit warehouses or port warehouses for short-term storage of goods. It is first divided according to different transportation methods, such as railways, highways, waterways, etc., and then divided according to different routes of goods transportation, and then according to different locations to which the goods are sent. Division. It should be noted that: mutually influencing goods and goods with a great difference in freight rate should be stored separately. 4. Classification according to the dangerous nature of the goods is mainly applicable to the storage warehouses of chemicals and dangerous goods. The storage can be based on the flammable and flammable goods of dangerous goods. Explosive, toxic nature and different fire fighting methods are divided into categories, and attention should be paid to the possibility of dangers between dangerous goods of different natures. 5. According to the characteristics of storage operations, the divisional classification of goods that are frequently out of the warehouse should be arranged close to each other. At the warehouse door; for bulky and grown-up goods, it is not advisable to boil deep in the warehouse; fragile goods should not be stored together with bulky goods, so as not to affect the safety of fragile goods during transportation. It is worth noting that commodity classification and warehouse Partitioning should be appropriately divided. Too rough division is not conducive to management, and too fine division is not conducive to warehouse capacity utilization. It should be divided reasonably according to the specific management needs of the warehouse.
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