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Operation process of cargo acceptance

by:CNS     2021-07-07
The operation process of the cargo acceptance 2021-06-20 08:19:37 The cargo acceptance includes three operations including preparation for acceptance, verification of vouchers and physical inspection. (1) Preparation for acceptance After the warehouse receives the arrival notice, Guangzhou Logistics shall make preparations before acceptance according to the characteristics of the goods in the warehouse. Acceptance standards are the prerequisites for the entire acceptance work. 1. The personnel are prepared to arrange the inspectors responsible for the acceptance work, and for the goods with complex technical characteristics, it is necessary to communicate effectively with the professional and technical personnel of the user unit in a timely manner. 2. Document preparation. Collect and be familiar with the relevant documents of the goods to be inspected, such as technical standards, order contracts, etc. 3. The equipment is prepared with inspection tools for acceptance, such as weighing instruments, measuring tools, etc., and the verification is correct. 4. Protective preparations The acceptance of certain special goods, such as the inspection of poisonous, corrosive, radioactive, etc., requires the preparation of corresponding protective equipment. 5. The equipment is ready for the quantity acceptance of large quantities of goods, and the cooperation of loading, unloading and handling machinery must be provided, and the equipment should be used for application. (2) Verification of documents 1. The documents that need to be verified to understand the types of documents are mainly divided into three categories according to the objects provided: First, the goods inventory notice, order contract, agreement, etc. provided by the warehouse procurement department or other departments; Second, the quality certificate, certificate of conformity, packing list or weight list, inspection list and delivery details provided by the supplier or shipper; third, the waybill, general records, and business records provided by the transport unit, and keep them The transfer records of the clerk and the pick-up clerk, the pick-up clerk or the delivery clerk, etc. 2. Verification of relevant documents When verifying the certificates, the contents of the above-mentioned certificate records must be verified first, and then the goods shall be checked item by item according to the contents listed on these certificates. That is to say: first, carry out certificate verification, according to the process of cargo transportation, sort and sort the corresponding certificates, and check the authenticity and accuracy of various certificates according to the correlation between the certificates; second, carry out physical evidence verification , According to the specific content listed on the certificate such as the delivery unit, the receiving unit, the name of the goods, the specification and the quantity, and the comparison with the various signs of the goods. If you find that the documents are incomplete or inconsistent, you should contact the owner, supplier, carrier and related business departments as soon as possible to properly resolve it. (3) Physical inspection The so-called physical inspection refers to the quality and quantity inspection of the goods according to relevant documents such as warehouse receipts.
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