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The global air connectivity which is convenient for passengers?

by:CNS     2020-08-17
The global air connectivity which is convenient for passengers? From 2012, all over the world, especially in Europe and Asia air transport companies hundreds of thousands of airport has become a global air transportation network connecting point, global connectivity increase or the connection between the area increased by 140%. The rapid development of global connectivity is mainly due to the growth of indirect connection availability, and more and more high quality, both in passenger and cargo do not need to change to the plane, can reach the destination directly. Air transport companies, the researchers noted this connectivity is able to provide global & other passengers; Seamless travel & throughout; The service. From Newark, New Jersey, for example, to Singapore, passengers can purchase a ticket by united airlines, this is a part of, including Lufthansa. This ticket may involve a connection to Frankfurt, passengers from the plane was diverted to Lufthansa, united, so the cooperation of the two airlines connect the Newark to more destinations around the world. Air transport companies, the researchers analyzed the 1. 2 million tickets flights, and more than 4600 airport flight schedule. The flight schedule gives passengers the idea of direct and indirect route, passengers from the data analysis is to direct or transfer, which service is more accepted, in order to promote the service to a higher level. Shanghai air freight company | Shanghai airlines cargo international air | | Shanghai air freight company | | air express ( )
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