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The role of loading and unloading in logistics

by:CNS     2021-07-08
The role of loading and unloading in logistics 2021-06-20 12:07:071. Loading and unloading is an important link that affects the efficiency of logistics. Loading and unloading is a necessary logistics activity that occurs with transportation and storage. It is an important part of transportation, storage, packaging, and circulation. The intermediate link of logistics activities such as processing, as well as the loading and unloading activities for inspection, maintenance, and maintenance in storage and other activities, such as loading and unloading, transfer, picking, sorting, etc. of goods. In the whole process of logistics activities, loading, unloading and handling activities occur frequently, so the time occupied by handling activities is an important factor affecting logistics efficiency. 2. Loading, unloading and handling is the main factor affecting logistics costs. In the logistics process, loading, unloading and handling activities are constantly appearing and repeated. It appears more frequently than other logistics activities, and each loading, unloading and handling activity takes a long time. Time is often the key to determining the speed of logistics. Loading, unloading and handling activities also consume a lot of manpower, so loading, unloading and handling costs account for a higher proportion of logistics costs. Therefore, in order to improve logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs, Guangzhou logistics company loading, unloading and handling is an important link. Improving the automation of the material transportation and storage process is of great significance to improving logistics management, improving product quality, reducing production costs, shortening production cycles, accelerating capital turnover and improving overall benefits. 3. Loading, unloading and handling is the bridge handling that connects other main logistics links. As one of the constituent elements of the logistics system, it is an operation for the needs of transportation and storage. For example, logistics activities such as transportation, storage, packaging, and distribution processing are all connected by loading and unloading and handling activities, as well as loading and unloading activities for inspection, maintenance, and maintenance during storage and other activities, such as loading and unloading of goods, Transfer and sorting must also be completed by loading, unloading and handling.
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