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What kind of goods need to handle by air appraisal report?

by:CNS     2020-04-25
Due to the air freight is very high to the requirement of safety, especially the use of aircraft belly compartment for transport of goods, so some air cargo need appraisal report, appraisal report what is shipped by air? One sentence summary is whether the goods cannot be obtained with hidden dangers or unable to correct classification identification of the goods need to air appraisal report! What is the full name of Air appraisal appraisal called Air Transport condition Identification Report, English called Identification and Classification Report for Air Transport of Goods, commonly known as Air appraisal or Identification. What goods to provide air identification? 1. Magnetic goods in accordance with the requirements of IATA902 international air transport agreement, is apart from the measured object surface 2. 1 m in any magnetic field strength should be less than 0. 159A/m( 200nT) Only for general cargo transport ( The general cargo appraisal) 。 All items containing magnetic material goods can produce magnetic field in space, require magnetic safety inspection of the goods, to ensure the flight safety. For example: magnets, the speaker audio products, mobile phones, including motor and so on. 2. The powder goods status to powder goods must provide air transport appraisal report, such as diamond powder, spirulina powder, all kinds of plant extracts. 3. Contained a liquid, gas, the goods such as: some instruments may contain rectifier tube, thermometer, pressure gauge, pressure gauge, mercury switches, etc. 4. Chemical goods chemical goods all kinds of chemical air typically provide appraisal report. Generally can be divided into dangerous chemicals and general chemicals. Air is common among ordinary chemicals that may, in accordance with the general cargo transportation of chemicals, the chemical must have general cargo air appraisal to the carrier, which prove the goods belongs to common chemicals, not dangerous goods appraisal report. 5. With oily goods such as: auto parts may be equipped with fuel and residual fuel engine, carburetor or fuel tank; There might be flammable liquid camping utensils or equipment such as kerosene, gasoline. 6. The goods with battery cells classification identification is complicated or contain battery products may be air. 4. Item 3, 8 of 9 dangerous goods, so the products need appraisal report as support when transported by air. Such as: electrical equipment may contain batteries; Electric equipment such as mower, golf carts, wheelchairs, etc. , may contain batteries. Air transport appraisal report contains what content? Transport of goods generally includes the goods name and its corporate logo and grant the main content, the main physical and chemical properties, by transport the dangerous characteristics, identification of content according to the laws and regulations, emergency disposal method, etc. Purpose is to provide transport unit is directly related to transportation safety information
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