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The role of loading and unloading

by:CNS     2021-07-08
The role of loading and unloading 2021-06-20 19:31:45 The basic function of loading and unloading is to change the storage state and spatial location of items. Whether in the field of production or in the field of circulation, loading, unloading and handling are important factors affecting logistics speed and logistics costs, affecting the normal progress of the logistics process, and determining the overall functions and benefits of the logistics system. The role of loading and unloading in the logistics process is manifested in the following aspects: 1. Subsidiary role Loading and unloading is an activity that occurs along with the production process and the circulation process. It is an indispensable part and the key to the entire logistics process. For example, according to statistics, in the production process of American industrial products, handling costs account for 20% to 30% of the cost. Material handling expenses of German companies accounted for 1/3 of turnover, and material handling expenses of Japan accounted for 10.73% of GDP. For another example, the 'car transportation' in the circulation process actually includes the auxiliary loading, unloading and handling; the storage activities in the warehousing also include the loading, unloading and handling activities. Therefore, if there is no ancillary loading, unloading and handling activities, logistics activities such as transportation and storage cannot be completed. 2. Supporting role Loading, unloading and handling is also a condition to ensure the smooth progress of all links in the production process and the circulation process. The quality of loading and unloading and the efficiency will have a great impact on other links in production and circulation, or the production process cannot be carried out normally, or the circulation process is not smooth. For example, according to the statistics of Guangzhou Freight Company, in a medium-volume production workshop, the time of parts on the machine tool only accounts for 5% of the production time, while 95% of the time is spent on the handling or waiting of raw materials, tools, and parts. The cost accounts for 30%~such as% of the total production cost. For another example, improper loading and unloading of vehicles and ships will lead to increased cargo damage during transportation, and even cause major accidents such as car overturns and ship overturns; improper unloading will cause difficulties in the next logistics activities, or cause labor intensity and workload to increase significantly. . Many logistics activities need to be supported by effective loading and unloading to achieve a high level. 3. Cohesion. Loading, unloading and handling is also a bridge between the production process and the logistics process, which restricts the activities between each production link and each logistics link; it is whether the various functions of the logistics activities can form an organic connection and close connection The key to this is the 'bottleneck' of the entire logistics. Once the loading, unloading and handling are neglected, no matter in the field of production or in the field of circulation, it will cause chaos in the order of production and circulation, and at worst, cause the suspension of production and circulation activities. For example, due to inadequate loading and unloading equipment, facilities and organization and management of loading and unloading, some ports in my country have repeatedly overpressured ships, ports and blocked ports, which seriously affected production and circulation. For another example, loading, unloading and handling connects transportation and warehousing, warehousing and distribution, warehousing and circulation processing, and connects different modes of transportation, even inside warehousing and distribution activities, and between various production links of manufacturing enterprises. Without the connection of loading, unloading and handling activities, it is impossible to complete its business process smoothly. It can be seen that improving loading, unloading and handling operations and continuously improving the rationalization of loading, unloading and handling play an extremely important role in improving the overall function of the logistics system.
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